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Home Blog Company News Shore Hire supports the MS Gong Charity Ride

Shore Hire supports the MS Gong Charity Ride

For over 5 years running, Shore Hire has entered a team in MS Sydney to the Gong ride, raising in excess of $40,000 for the MS foundation.


About MS – What is multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and often debilitating disease that attacks the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves). It is the most common neurological disease in young adults and attacks people at the time of their lives when they are planning families and building a career.


Is there a cure?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis…yet. There are constantly new discoveries in research helping to inch further to a cure, and advancement in treatments of this lifelong disease. As well as helping to provide support to people living with multiple sclerosis now, we also provide funding for research so we can find a cure for this debilitating disease.


For more information, please visit your nearest branch, email [email protected], or give us a call!

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