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Home Projects Shoring Hydraulic Bracing and Sheet Piles- Port Botany

A hydraulic bracing system being used to shore a trench


Our client was required to install a fuel line across a busy road in Port Botany. Due to restrictions placed on the client, open-cut trenching across the street was not permitted, and therefore, they needed to use launch and receive pits in order to bore underneath the road. Traditional trench boxes couldn’t be used due to the sheer massive size of the reinforced concrete chambers to be constructed at each launch and receive pit location.



To get the job done Shore Hire’s team of expert engineers designed and supplied a bespoke temporary works solution utilising a combination of Sheet Piles and Shore 200 Hydraulic Bracing. Multiple launch pits on this project had over 5 boreholes to drill and so sacrificial sheet pile walls were designed, which utilised high-strength steel UC sections to prevent the sheet piles from kicking into the excavation once penetrated by the bore head.

To support the client, Shore Hire preassembled the Shore 200 Hydraulic Bracing frames before delivery to allow the customer to effortlessly assemble and install each level of frame easily, saving massive time and labour costs. In addition, shore Hire’s innovative engineered solution allowed the bottom frame to be removed and off-hired as soon as a concrete base slab had been cast, saving the customer massively on equipment rental costs. Shore Hire also created a design that enabled the sheet piles to be used as the back shutter for the pit walls, therefore, preventing the need for over-excavation and additional formwork, saving the customer on both labour and additional machine rental costs.

Upon completion, the client wanted to see what other time-saving solutions Shore Hire offered, and so we sent out one of our Excavator Mounted Vibrator (EMV) attachments to help with the sheet pile removal; the client was blown away by the ease of use and significant time-savings of the EMV.


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